The company LCTech

What LCTech is all about
LCTech has been developing innovative products and methods for the preparation for the analysis of environmental, food and feed as well as for forensic samples since 1998.
From automation for sample preparation to consumables for analysis and expert training, LCTech offers everything a professional laboratory needs and various renowned institutions from the pharmaceutical and research sectors appreciate.
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LCTech GmbH
Daimlerstraße 4
84419 Obertaufkirchen
LCTech is consistently oriented towards the needs of its customers. This is the essential prerequisite for success, an optimal market position and the future of the company and its employees. As a result, LCTech is always at the cutting edge of technology and, together with its employees, regularly creates new products tailored to customer needs.

Interesting facts and events
Battery Ventures Creates Latest Lab-Automation Technologies Platform with Investments in Skalar Analytical, PromoChrom and LCTech

BOSTON, Massachusetts (Sept 28, 2023)— Battery Ventures, a global, technology-focused investment firm, today announced the creation of a new laboratory-automation platform following recent acquisitions of three complementary companies: Skalar Analytical, PromoChrom Technologies and LCTech.
LCTech at the Dioxin Congress in Maastricht

We are proud that our company was able to participate at the Dioxin2023.
The congress brought together leading experts, researchers and companies to discuss the latest developments and innovative approaches in dealing with dioxins and PFAS.
We thank the organisers, speakers as well as participants and look forward to integrating the insights gained into our business strategy.
LCTech at the World Mycotoxin Forum in Belgium

The World Mycotoxin Forum® in October 2023 brought together leading representatives from science and research, the food and feed industry, laboratories as well as policy makers and enforcement authorities from all over the world.
Our expert Dr. Frederik Wuppermann presented LCTech's outstanding solutions for multi-mycotoxin analysis of various matrices by LC-MS/MS - as well as precise methods for the particularly challenging low-level detection of aflatoxin and ochratoxin in medicinal herbs, spices, cocoa and coffee.
FLUOROS 2023 presented by Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

The FRESENIUS University of Applied Sciences organised an international symposium on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (#PFAS) from 31 August to 1 September 2023.
Our Product Manager Sorbents Dr. Thomas Gersthagen was represented at the poster exhibition Session 1 Analytical Tools (PO 1_2) with the poster "Extraction and Matrix Clean-up of Legacy and Emerging PFAS in Different Matrices" and, together with our sales expert Dr. Muck, was able to competently answer emerging questions about our products.
Successful training completion

On July 18th, 184 graduates of the Berufsschulzentrum (vocational school center) in Mühldorf celebrated their graduation. LCTech apprentice Maximilian Karl also graduated as an industrial clerk IHK and was honored for his outstanding grade point average of 1.0 with a state award from District Administrator Max Heimerl.
Michael Baumann, as well as the entire staff, congratulate Mr. Karl on his successful graduation and are looking forward to a continued very good cooperation with him.
LCTech's Social Engagement: Bringing Joy to the Local Playground!

The Gymnastics- and Sportsclub Obertaufkirchen has built a new children's playground with great commitment. Thanks to the efforts of numerous helpers who put in countless hours of work, it was now officially opened. On June 17th, the playground was finally inaugurated by many enthusiastic children. LCTech made a donation towards the cost of materials and is pleased to have supported this project.
chrom+food PFAS Analytic

In the latest issue of chrom+food FORUM, our PFAS expert Dr Thomas Gersthagen presented his article "News from sample preparation in PFAS analytics". In it, various recoveries of PFAS analytes from arable soil, drinking water and foodstuffs such as minced meat, carrot and egg yolk are presented and explained. The measurements were carried out with different systems from LCTech. Crucial for the reliable and reproducible results are the EluCLEAN®PFAS SPE columns from LCTech. Specially developed and manufactured for the optimised workflow in sample preparation for solid as well as aqueous samples.
Service Training in Obertaufkirchen

The week in June was all about the LCTech operating and service training! Service technicians from all over the world are hosted in Obertaufkirchen and are professionally trained on the latest technical developments of the FREESTYLE SPE, FREESTYLE QuEChERS, FREESTYLE EVAporation and FREESTYLE XANA systems.
PFAS Congress Paris, June 13th -14th

Dr. Suman KHAREL from LCTech presented the products for the concentration of PFAS using SPE solutions to the congress participants. The results presented show that the LCTech columns allow high recoveries for all PFAS (up to 53) with a very low limit of quantification.
Sales Training at LCTech

May 22-25 was all about training our distributors to sell our products. We have had guests from all over the world, from Italy to Canada, visiting us in Obertaufkirchen. In addition to current product presentations by our product managers, our dealers also were provided with the latest knowledge from the industry and marketing material. The lively exchange among each other is also a highlight of this exciting sales week. We were pleased about the great interest and hope you had a good time in Bavaria.
SETAC in Dublin - April 2023

The conference of SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) took place in Dublin from April 30th to May 4th. The event attracted numerous participants from around the world to exchange the latest findings in toxicological and chemical analysis, as well as research and development in the field of global environmental issues. Our PFAS expert, Dr. Thomas Gersthagen, was present and gave a poster presentation on the topic "Development of Suitable Methods for PFAS Sample Preparation in Different Matrices."
29 - 30 March: HPST Spring Seminar in Ostrava and Brno (Czech Republic)

Since the European Water Framework Directive has been binding for all European countries in January, customers in CZ are also looking for ways to implement their water analysis safely in the future - LCTech's XANA is ideal for this purpose. Mrs. Angelika Köpf (Head of Sales) was on site as a speaker and presented the extended portfolio of LCTech with SPE columns, X-TRACTION and MIX-TRACTION.
Successful Installation of a DEXTech 16 in Thailand

LCTech's DEXTech 16 has been successfully installed at SciSpec in Thailand. It is the only system in the world for sequential and unattended processing of 15 samples. A typical "walk-away" system: set up samples, click in columns, start the system and then let it (process) unattended.
25 Years LCTech

The company's success story now marks a quarter of a century. Dr. Uwe Aulwurm and Mr. Michael Baumann are pleased to receive the IHK certificate of honour for their 25th anniversary. Satisfied customers who are supported in their daily laboratory work are the endeavour and drive for LCTech to continue developing innovative products.
PFAS Webinars

Following the updated methods of the US EPA and the EU Drinking Water Directive, the new European regulation for PFAS in food and drinking water has also been published since January 2023. LCTech has prepared for this by developing excellent products at an early stage and supports you in establishing your PFAS analysis and sample preparation.
If you would like to receive information about past events, please contact LCTech at
chrom+food forum 09 | 2022

In the issue "chrom+food forum 09 | 2022" an interesting article by LCTech mycotoxin expert Dr. Wuppermann has been published on the topic of "Rapid response to changing mycotoxin threat with regard to a change in the prevalence of mycotoxins caused by climate change".
How PFAS affect daily life

In an industrial plant in Gendorf, Germany PFOA was used for the production of fluoropolymers, resulting in large-scale contamination of the environment and exposure of people to contaminated drinking water in parts of the Altötting district. The drinking water well affected has since been closed.
Pickering Laboratories

LCTech is the exclusive distributor of Pickering Laboratories in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Pickering is a pioneer in post-column derivatisation. Since the company was founded in 1984, Pickering Laboratories has continuously developed instruments and chemicals to solve analytical challenges in environmental, pharmaceutical and biochemical testing.
Request more info about Pickering...
In addition, Pickering Laboratories' synthetic body fluids are used worldwide for product testing and research applications. Pickering offers fluids for testing for:
- Personal and wearable electronics
- Watch-cases and accessories
- Colorfastness to light for fabric
- Colorfastness to perspiration for leather
- Sweat for Ophthalmic optics
- Dental metal alloys
- Colorfastness of products taken orally
LCTech Works in an Environmentally Friendly Way

Thanks to the innovative technology, extremely little energy is required for ongoing operation. Energy is supplied via a heat pump with external geothermal heat exchangers. In combination with the energy recovery of the exhaust air, an excellent result can be achieved in the energy balance.
The company's own photovoltaic system on the roof generates more energy on average than is actually consumed in the entire building. Energy-saving innovative solutions for cooling the building were also developed for the summer months - based on the same technology.

LCTech is not only aware of its responsibility for environmentally friendly construction of the company building, but also attaches great importance to sustainable product development.
The packaging of the TINY columns in an aluminium case, the TINY Box, completely eliminates the need for additional packaging material. The case delivers 1,820 columns safely and contamination-free to the customer by installing fixed racks. The TINY Box is used as shuttle packaging and thus saves a lot of packaging waste for your laboratory.
"We ensure that food is more safe."
From the column production
LCTech is Certified According to ISO 9001:2015
LCTech is quality-oriented. The company is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 from development to production. The equipment is CE approved and designed and manufactured in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 and the associated Directive 95/16/EC.

LCTech Offers Training
LCTech is a recognised training company of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The topic of "training" has a very high priority. For many years, LCTech has regularly trained young people to become industrial clerks or biology laboratory assistants.
Education pact Gymnasium Gars
Since January 2018, LCTech has been part of the education pact of Gymnasium Gars, which connects the school with companies and self-employed people from the region.
Company History
April: Advancing Automation Together - Battery backed Skalar Group acquires EST Analytical and TSHR.
April: Participation at Analytica 2024.
August: Merger of the companies Skalar, Promochrom and LCTech.
February: The extraction device X-TRACTION ist now also available in the PFAS version.
January: New logo and new website to meet the demands of the product portfolio, which has grown in the meantime.
December: The new PFAS columns from LCTech are here.
November: Introduction of the FREESTYLE XANA Table Top, ideal for US EPA methods up to 250 mL sample volume.
May: Development of the next generation extraction device: X-TRACTION! As simple as it is ingenious with the patented extraction cell.
February: Launch of the multi-mycotoxin column CrossTOX® for the highly efficient sample clean-up of 12 regulated and 6 expected mycotoxins at one go.
January: Market launch of the FREESTYLE SPE (XANA) PFAS system especilly for sensitive PFAS applications.
August: Market launch of the D-EVA vacuum concentrators for the rapid, parallel and reproducible concentration of 1 - 24 samples in PCB and dioxin analysis, blank-free, up to a low final volume.
August: Market launch of DEXTech Heat, the automated sample clean-up system specifically for PCB and dioxin samples curing at room temperature.
Market launch of the first fully automated sample clean-up system for PCB and dioxin analysis: DEXTech 16. The system processes 15 samples unattended in just one sequence, around the clock, day and night.
Market launch of the DEXTech Pure automated sample preparation system. Modified in terms of fluidics and methods, making it the perfect solution for customers who want to analyse PCBs and dioxins separately or for users who only want to measure PCBs.
Automation for water analysis - Market launch of FREESTYLE XANA, the new system especially for sample preparation of water samples with large volumes, e.g. drinking water, raw water or river water.
Extension of the FREESTYLE system by the ThermELUTE™ module for full automation in mycotoxin analysis.
Market launch of the automated sample preparation system DEXTech for dioxin and PCB analysis.
Market launch of the new FREESTYLE robotic for automated sample preparation with combinable and flexible modules, such as the SPE, GPC or EVAporation module.
Establishment of a separate biotechnology department. This department develops and produces products for sample preparation and analysis of mycotoxins.
Market launch of the first fully automatic sample preparation system TACS. In the years that followed, the range of equipment was continuously developed.
Foundation of LCTech GmbH
Exclusive representation of PICKERING products in Europe
Foundation of "Industrievertretungen Baumann", sale of PICKERING Laboratories products