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LCTech Products at a Glance

LCTech offers innovative, reliable and robust products to pre-clean samples for your analysis.



Good extraction is the basis of any analysis. This can be achieved reliably with X-TRACTION®.

Automatisierung PCDD/F, PCB und weitere POPs

Automation of PCDD/F, PCB and other POPs

Devices in the DEXTech product family are ideal in sample clean-up for PCB and dioxin analysis. The DEXTech systems make your work in the laboratory much easier by automating applications, methods and the corresponding columns.

Robotiksysteme FREESTYLE

FREESTYLE Robotic System

The FREESTYLE system can be used almost universally: whether in the field of food and feed analysis, in environmental analysis and forensics or in pharmaceutical laboratories. Countless work steps can be reliably automated everywhere.


Mycotoxin Products

Highly-selective immunoaffinity columns (IAC), specific SPE columns or the unique CrossTOX® as multi-toxin columns and their automation options. Find out more about the product range for mycotoxin analysis.

SPE Verbrauchsmaterialien

SPE Consumables

In addition to various SPE columns for manual or automated processing, the LCTech product range also includes practical accessories such as glass fibre filters, silica gel and much more.


Other Devices and Corresponding Consumables

GPC uno is a versatile entry-level system for GPC. It is ideal for laboratories with small sample numbers in the clean-up of food, feed and environmental samples. You can naturally select the appropriate GPC column based on your requirements.