Water Analysis
As the most important foodstuff, water is always in focus, contamination is not acceptable. Water samples are usually large in volume, making them a particular challenge for sample preparation.
Method-compliant solutions according to US-EPA or European standards in conjunction with the fastest commercially-available automation solutions can be found at LCTech. The solutions offered comprise SPE columns and automation via FREESTYLE XANA systems and the unique nitrogen-free and contamination-reducing concentration of the samples with high throughput.
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- Water
PFAS, pesticides, explosives, sweeteners, pharma residues, PAHs – high throughput for large-volume samples with FREESTYLE XANA.
Sample preparation by LCTech
Products for Water Analysis

- Method-compliant automation
- For large-volume samples
- With online evaporation on request
- Use of all commercially available SPE columns (3 and 6 mL) possible

The space-saving device to pre-clean water samples up to 250 mL can process up to 30 samples per sequence and up to 6 samples at the same time. The ideal robotic system for PFAS analysis.

D-EVA (specially for PFAS)
- Parallel concentration of samples without nitrogen
- No cross-contamination
- For sensor-controlled concentration to a few µL

Products for Sample Preparation
With EluCLEAN® columns, you can achieve outstanding results when cleaning up PFAS samples for the following applications:
- Drinking water
- Solid and liquid environmental samples
- Universal application for a wide range of matrices