Food and Feed Analysis
Consumers expect food without any toxic residues. As part of food monitoring, responsible authorities examine whether food and feed comply with the permissible maximum residue levels for plant protection product active substances. Above all for fruit and vegetables, the permissible maximum levels for pesticide residues are frequently exceeded.
However, maximum levels also exist for mycotoxins in food and feed as well as for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in soil and water. LCTech offers perfect solutions in these areas.
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Products for Food and Feed Analysis
Safe Pesticide, Pollutant and Mycotoxin Analysis

LCTech offers customised solutions for the sample preparation of mycotoxins, including highly selective immunoaffinity columns (IAC), specific SPE columns and the unique CrossTOX® as a multitoxin column, which can be used both manually and automatically. The columns in the SMART format, in particular, enable fast sample preparation with low solvent use.
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The QuEChERS columns from LCTech are a non-dispersive method of pesticide analysis in food and feed, which ensure safe clean-up around the clock and thus help to optimise analysis capacities. Analysis becomes faster and more cost-effective, as less manual work is required.
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Due to their robustness, GPC columns from LCTech are designed for everyday laboratory use. They are available filled with Bio-Beads or unfilled in different lengths and filling levels. A quality certificate and test chromatogram are supplied for every column.
Automation / Parallelisation

The FREESTYLE robotic system provides valuable support for fast PFAS sample preparation. The various FREESTYLE PFAS models are PFAS-compatible thanks to PE tubings, PTFE-free syringes and valves and fulfil the requirements of the official methods. The LCTech FREESTYLE system is designed for high sample volumes in PFAS analysis and is available in various versions.

FREESTYLE Pesticides
The use of pesticides represents an increasing global threat, which requires standardised and automated methods. The FREESTYLE robotic system from LCTech automates pesticide clean-up in food analysis and offers fast and precise sample preparation.

Discover FREESTYLE - the perfect solution for efficient clean-up of pesticides by gel permeation chromatography. The GPC module enables fast sample handling, while the EVAporation module ensures precise concentration and solvent exchange.

Lowering the limit of quantification to 1 mg/kg enables greater consumer safety, but is associated with increased workload. The FREESTYLE MOSH/MOAH configuration automates time-consuming sample preparation when determining mineral oil hydrocarbon contamination in food. With the FREESTYLE system, this process can be automated easily, thereby increasing efficiency in the laboratory.

PCDD/F, PCB and other POPs
For the challenges of sample preparation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as PCDD/F, PCBs, PBDEs, PCNs and CPs, LCTech offers solutions such as robust equipment, clean-up columns and expert support for the entire analytical process.
Users wishing to establish POPs analysis can take advantage of LCTech's customised training offers to benefit from expert know-how and experience from the application laboratory, especially for dioxin and PCB analysis.